Pulsed Radio-Frequency to Dorsal Root Ganglion

Pulsed Radio-frequency involves giving short pulses of radio-frequency waves (waves with a frequency of about 500,000 cycles per second, compared to the 60 cycles per second of standard electricity) twice a minute. The great advantage to pulsed radio-frequency is that it’s safe, particularly for use around the dorsal root ganglion or for peripheral nerves, such as the supra-scapular nerve.

The dorsal root ganglion (or spinal ganglion) (also known as a posterior root ganglion), is a cluster of nerve cell bodies (a ganglion) in a posterior root of a spinal nerve. The dorsal root ganglia contain the cell bodies of sensory neurons (afferent). Pulsed Radio-frequency is particularly useful in treating headaches from whiplash, in treating pain going down the leg from inoperable spinal stenosis, and for treating back, shoulder and groin pain. Pulsed Radio-frequency ablation offers a safe means of treating pain for which we have no other means of treatment.